Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

So yesterday, my sisters and I went to Walmart and bought a bunch of food for our diet. For those you who don't know, my older sister and I are on this diet together (little sister... not so much, but she's trying!) because we want to lose weight for the wedding (3rd week of July). Anyhow, we got 3 different kinds of rice cakes: lightly salted, corn caramel, and chocolate. The lightly salted one is 35 calories, and the corn caramel and the chocolate are 60 calories. We also got extra firm tofu, a head of lettuce and 100% Acai berry juice. I find that shopping for healthy foods gets me excited to eat healthier.

Today I started out with my usual granola bar and milk, and then i took my multivitamin, thermo, and fish oil pills. My mind feels so much clearer, and I can think more rationally. I also made a bunch of spring rolls for me to snack on later. Did you know they're only 50 calories each? They're so filling and healthy for you too. I had a lightly salted rice cake and 4 oz. of acai berry juice, which is about 50 calories, so that makes 200 calories for breakfast and 85 calories for lunch which totals to 285 calories, and I feel so full right now. I don't plan on eating more than 600 calories today, but if I do, I'll try to stay below 1000. Should I put recipes up here too? Please let me know. 

Diet Tip of the Day

If you're planning on going on a no carb diet, consider yourself screwed, because they don't work. Your muscles actually shrink and you end up being more fat tissue than muscle tissue. Don't want to have muscles? Consider this. Your muscles contain lots and lots of mitochondria. For those of you who haven't taken high school biology, it's where cellular respiration occurs, which is what your metabolism is centered around. Those who lose muscle tissue are also slowing the rate of their metabolism which means you burn fewer and fewer calories. Also, no carbs contribute to depression and tiredness plus mood swings. There's a super high chance of binge eating as a result. I've tried to eat no carbs several times, and in the end, it made me gain more and more weight. So in other words, no carb diets lead to loss of muscle tissue, lower metabolism, depression, fatigue, and emotional eating.

By the way, I use a lot of sources for my diet tip of the day, but my main source is Daphne Oz's book The Dorm Room Diet. This book has inspired me to eat healthy and lose weight, and I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who wants to lose weight, but feel like they can't. 

Take Care
Lots of love 

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