Sunday, September 25, 2011


I have a cold. It sucks major balls, but oh well. It's something I need to put up with for now. Annnyyyyhow, I've noticed how whenever I feel sick, I allow myself to eat just about anything. I also do this when I'm under tons and tons of stress, or if things aren't just going right. Of course, some of you may argue that it isn't exactly the best thing for me and that I should stay strong with my diet and exercise. I, however, think that its important to allow ourselves to cheat, but cheat smartly. This doesn't mean that when I'm sick, I go to the nearest buffet and wolf down all their fatty noodles and spring rolls (I'm dying to do that). A small bowl of ramen noodles is my usual comfort food and it really does hit the spot when it comes to feeling sick or anything. Now, I know for sure that having ramen every single day isn't exactly beneficial to my body, so I save it for those occasions when I can't have milk products.

I'm in need of new recipes. I'm getting quite sick of the food I've been eating constantly, though I need to find foods that are 300 calories or less for an entire serving. I've got work to do, and I need to make a bed time of 10! 

Take care lovies, 

Lots of love 


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