Monday, May 30, 2011

2 in the mornin'

For some reason, I get hyper at night. This started happening when I came home from college. Its funny because I'm an early riser too. Maybe... if I stay up all night, I can get my sleep schedule back in order.

So I said in my earlier post to avoid artificial sweeteners and such. Now days, it's getting harder and harder to avoid them, because they appear in a lot of low calorie/carb/fat/sugar whatever crap they have. A little bit isn't going to kill you, but it's best to avoid them as much as possible. Did you know that high fructose corn syrup has the same effect? High fructose corn syrup makes you hungrier. Now if you're a masochist and you enjoy hunger and suffering through all that mental torture, than be my guest, however, I know most of you hate that hungry feeling. It's like this noise that gets louder and louder and drives us insane until we shove some edible content down our throats. Usually, that thing we just ate wasn't very good for us. To avoid that, it's actually good to eat something every three to four hours. Now it doesn't have to be a bucket of lard, or something you totally hate. Try something healthy for once. You want to get skinny, right? Then quit being a stubborn bitch, stop fasting (unless its Ramadan of course, keep on going!) and eat something thats actually healthy for you that's low in calories (150 or less). I garuntee you'll get better results losing weight, and your metabolism won't get screwed up.

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