Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Finally... Results!!!

I lost a pound!!! Horrayyy!!! Today's diet was pretty much good, but I realized that I'm not cut out to be a vegan. It's too restrictive, and I enjoy food too much. If you can survive a vegan diet, I commend you.

I worked out a lot today. Jillian michael's level 2 is a KILLER. I couldn't do the last abdominal exercise. It was painful. I also did some jane fonda, but her work out was so much easier, and I could do 12 push ups with ease now (the girly way of course). I might do yoga later.

I had edamame in the morning, two cups of acai berry juice, and then a granola bar with milk.

Diet Tip of the Day

If you really need some crazy ass motivation, put up a picture of yourself and place it on the fridge, or somewhere where you always look at it. Make sure it's a picture that you least like of yourself. If you're a cocky son of a gun, and every picture of you is good, take a picture of the parts that you feel the most insecure. I know this sounds like torture, but it really motivates you. I'll be nice and put up an unflattering picture of myself...

I'm the fatty with the ribbon. Haha, motivational, right? I hate this picture of me, but I'm so determined to become skinnier, healthier, and happier.

By the way, that's cheesecake.

Take Care
Lots of Love

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